Don't just charge for your time. Charge for access to all the valuable information you've learned from working with clients so you can earn passive income while you sleep.
Use Kahana freeCreate a central repository of your best frameworks, methodologies, and resources. Package your expertise into valuable assets.
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Work seamlessly with other consultants on joint projects and ventures. Leverage collective intelligence to tackle complex challenges.
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Collaborate with clients to gather feedback and create an engaging environment where clients can connect with one another.
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"You took my brain and turned it into a phenomenal asset. I could not do this at all without Kahana - I wouldn't even know where to start."
Tay L., Brand Deal Consultant
"I love how easy it is to set-up, make changes, add value & connect with your audience. The platform has allowed me to monetize my knowledge, and added a passive revenue stream to my small business."
Kelsey V., Pinterest Consultant
"It's finally out of my head! I've been wanting to build digital products for months and couldn't make any progress; Kahana streamlined it and made it so much easier."
Gregory G., Business Consultant
Start charging for access to your best assets in minutes with Kahana.
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